
Adrian and Lesley are partnering up again for an exciting meditation and sound bath event, "Nurturing the Mother."

They are delighted that their friend Kati will host this special event in Rossmoor at her community gathering space. There's plenty of room and some furniture for those who need some extra cushioning and comfort.

Join them Mother's Day weekend to celebrate and receive all the 'mothering' there is for the soul. Adrian will lead us with her inspiring voice and guided meditation while Lesley will complement the energies with her crystal bowls and spirited vocals.

This event is 90 minutes long, and there will be additional time afterwards for discussion. The early bird special is $30 per person until April 30th, then it goes up to $40. To RSVP, fill out the contact form below.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

RSVP Sound Bath Events