
Adrian and I are partnering up again for a "Tuning into YOU with Sound & Meditation" event on Saturday, January 13th, 2024
at 11:30am.

We are delighted that our friend Kati will host us in Rossmoor at her community gathering space. There's plenty of room and some furniture for those who need some extra cushioning and comfort.

In this event, we will be turning inward. Adrian will focus on intentions and "choosing how we want to manifest a New Year. Setting ourselves up for right living with the understanding and grace to know that what appears as stumbling blocks are actually steps leading us to greater understanding and love." I will be supporting these intentions, as well as nourishing all the parts of your-multi-dimensional-Self with sound frequencies and spirited vocals.

It's time to shine our-Selves up and bring in more light!

This event is 90 minutes long, and there will be additional time afterwards for discussion. The early bird special is $30 per person until January 1st, then it goes up to $40. To RSVP, fill out the contact form below.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

RSVP Sound Bath Events